Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Goodbye, Lou. Goodbye.

*來讀Lou Reed的故事
Lou Reed就這樣在萬聖節前夕走了。之前有耳聞過他接受完肝臟移植手術(可能跟年輕時是隻弔兒啷當的大毒蟲有關),但我真的一直以為Lou會一直出專輯跌破大家眼鏡到90歲。離90歲還有19年啊路。



'Oh Lou / why did you leave us this way?'
No words to express the sadness at the death of Lou Reed. He had been there all of my life. He will always be pressed to my heart. Thank God for those, like Lou, who move within their own laws, otherwise imagine how dull the world would be. I knew the Lou of recent years and he was always full of good heart. His music will outlive time itself.
We are all timebound, but today, with the loss of liberating Lou, life is a pigsty.

- Morrissey


Friday, October 11, 2013


我覺得最可怕的是我們這個世代的年輕人的普世價值,我一直在想這就是問題的根本,當擁有智慧型手機,穿什麼樣的衣服去什麼樣的餐廳,出去玩的時候可以打卡,大學生翹課跑活動,這一切在他們心目中勝過那些無形的,內省的價值時,我真的很懷疑我們的時代究竟可以留下什麼? 2011.12.19